
The success of an exhibition event largely depends on the design of the premises and stands. When choosing a design for structures that are used to demonstrate products, it is recommended to pay attention to the hi-tech style.

Features and Characteristics

  • Straight, clear lines and shapes.
  • A large number of glass elements, plastic and metal parts.
  • Availability of functional elements.
  • The predominant silver-blue metallic color.
  • Cubism and constructivism.

Stands decorated in this stylistic direction are the personification of a sense of style and taste. They are perfect for demonstrating the achievements of digital technology, modern gadgets and mobile devices.

Demonstration structures in the hi-tech style will fit perfectly into the interiors of exhibition events, decorated in the styles of minimalism, loft, and modern.

It is important to note that hi-tech is an excellent opportunity to express the high quality of the advertised products and interest in long-term cooperation with clients through clear forms and discreet shades.


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